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Our courses are designed for North Carolina Sedation Dentists and their team.

Updated with the new sedation rules that went into effect February 1, 2019.


Get your office ready for the newly instituted Inspections. (21 NCAC 16Q, .0301-.0306 and .0400-.0408)

For General Anesthesia and Sedation Definitions see 21 NCAC 16Q .0100.

                        a) Original sedation certificates and current permit renewals posted

                        b) Updated BLS for the doctor and team

                        c) 3-6 hours CE every year for assistants and sedation dentists

                        d) Unexpired PALS or ACLS cards for minimal and moderate sedation

                        e) Team practice of medical emergencies every 6 months

All courses are taught with the current NC Sedation Laws in mind. 

ACLS & PALS are taught as a review course or full course, applications to dentistry is emphasized.



Sedation Review and Update                

This 8 hour review and update course satisfies current North Carolina guidelines for the renewal of sedation permits. All areas of the sedation laws of North Carolina are examined, as well as proposed changes to increase patient safety.   Includes 1 hour of Preventing Opioid and Substance Abuse and 1 hour Medical Emergencies.

Doctors Only


2025 Dates:

  • March 21, 2025

  • November 14, 2025


Who Should Attend

  • Dentists currently holding a sedation license (including minimal oral, moderate oral and pediatric sedation license).  This program provides 8 CE hours, and satisfies the current North Carolina guidelines for the renewal of sedation permits.

  • Dentists who chooses to use these 8 CE credits as part of their CE requirements. 

  • Dentists who trained in sedation in and out of state program and need to learn the NC guidelines. 


Course Objectives

  • Review the Sedation Rules as outlined by the North Carolina Dental Board.

  • Review sedation dentistry protocols, with a special emphasis on those outlined by the North Carolina Dental Board for the safe administration of all levels of sedation, including anxiolysis.

  • Review all the steps that need to be followed from a medical, as well as scientific, point of view to deliver sedation dentistry in your office, as well as when the patient requires treatment in a hospital setting.

  • Review medical emergencies that occur in the general dental office, even if you do not practice anxiolysis or sedation dentistry, and how to prepare in order to minimize stress for the patient as well as the dental staff.


Fequently Asked Questions

Q. Are the 8 CE credits part of the 15 credits required for the year?

A. Yes, these 8 CE credits go towards the 15 credits required annually.


Q. Can this course be considered part of medical emergencies review?

A. Yes, this course satisfies the review of medical emergencies for both doctors and staff.


Q. Is partial credit given for half day?

A. NO. This course must be completed thoroughly to earn the allocated 8 credits.



Sedation Training for Dental Auxiliaries

Assistants will be taught the fundamentals of monitoring, protocols for medical

emergencies and how to put together a protocol manual.  Hands on segment will  help them to recognize and react as a team member in the recommended sedation

emergencies.  This course satisfies the 3 hours of annual continuing education credits.



the permit holder and all auxiliaries involved in sedation procedures have read

the practice's emergency manual in the preceding year; and (5) that all auxiliaries

involved in sedation procedures have completed BLS certification and three

hours of continuing education annually in any of the areas set forth in

Subparagraph (e)(1) of this Rule.

2025 Dates: Class on Zoom

  • February 7, 2025

  • April 11, 2025

  • June 13, 2025

  • August 15, 2025

  • October 10, 2025

    I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate what you do.  The Sedation Review Training was very helpful

     and Dr. Bonnick makes the material easy to understand and does not speak above our heads.  He created an

     atmosphere in which it was easy to have discussion and ask "dumb" questions.  Thank you for all you do in putting

     these classes together and being so accommodating.

     Have a wonderful week.

     Carolyn Turner

IV Sedation Training Program                

Using current ADA guidelines, this course is 100 hours long, and includes 6 clinical sessions where participants complete at least 20 live cases. This course fulfills the requirements for a moderate conscious sedation permit if you have ACLS certification.


2025 Dates: 

  • June 26, 27, 28, 29; July 25, 26 & 27, 2025

Who Should Attend

Any dentist, whether or not they currently hold a sedation license, is welcome to take this training program to prepare them to apply for an IV Moderate Conscious Sedation License. 


Course Objectives

Based on the ADA guidelines, upon completion of a course in moderate sedation, the dentist must be able to:

1. List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moderate sedation.

2. Discuss the prevention, recognition and management of complications associated with moderate sedation.

3. Administer moderate sedation to patients in a clinical setting in a safe and effective manner.

4. Discuss the abuse potential, occupational hazards and other untoward effects of the agents utilized to achieve moderate sedation.

5. Describe and demonstrate the technique of intravenous access, intramuscular injection and other parenteral techniques.

6. Discuss the pharmacology of the drug(s) selected for administration.

7. Discuss the precautions, indications, contraindications and adverse reactions associated with the drug(s) selected.

8. Administer the selected drug(s) to dental patients in a clinical setting in a safe and effective manner.

9. List the complications associated with techniques of moderate sedation.

10. Describe a protocol for management of emergencies in the dental office and list and discuss the emergency drugs and equipment required for the prevention and management of emergency situations.

11. Discuss principles of advanced cardiac life support or an appropriate dental sedation/anesthesia emergency course equivalent.

12. Demonstrate the ability to manage emergency situations.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the requirements for IV Moderate Conscious Sedation Licensure?

A. The NC Dental Board outlines the requirements on the Board's website.

The Aristotle Institute's IV Moderate Conscious Sedation Training Program is approved by the NC Dental Board as meeting the requirements for 100 hours of didactic training and supervised management of 20 patients under intravenous sedation. In addition to this training program, applicants are required to have current ACLS certification.


Q. Should I take an assistant to this program?

A. YES, it is highly recommended that each dentist takes 2 assistants to this training program. By doing this, the asssistants will learn along side their dentist what is required to administer IV moderate conscious sedation, from the screening to the post operative processes, especially the critical area of record keeping. Assistants are expected to be present for clinical days until 4pm.


Q. What if I can't make it for all 7 sessions?

A. We will make all effort to be supportive in unforseen circumstances. However, if a dentist is aware that they are unable to be present for all 7 days they should reschedule for a training sesesion where they can be fully available in order to meet the program requirements.


Advanced Cariac Life Support (ACLS)       

Taught by American Heart Association certified instructors, this 14 hour course teaches you the fundamentals, algorithms, and hands-on requirements. Upon completion, participants receive certification in ACLS. Pre-requiste: Current BLS certification.


2025 Dates:

  • March 22 & 23, 2025 (Sat. & Sun.)

  • November 15 & 16, 2025 (Sat. & Sun.) 

   One Day ACLS Renewal class

  • March 22, 2025 (Saturday) 

  • November 15, 2025 (Saturday)



Who Should Attend

Dentists and/or staff who require certification in ACLS.


Course Objectives

  • To quickly identify and treat the four most likely systemic health emergencies to occur in a dental chair.

    • Cardiovascular incidences, including full cardiac arrest.

    • Airway and breathing incidences, including pulmonary arrest.

    • Diabetic related problems.

    • Convulsive incidences

  • Review of Basic Life Support

  • Participants will learn the systematic approach to stabilizing the patient regardless of the etiology of the problem (ABCDs of emergency management).

  • Technique for applying CPR to a dental chair situation.

  • Learn cardiac arrest algorithm.

  • Learn respiratory arrest algorithm.

  • Learn stroke algorithm.

  • Learn hypoglycemia algorithm.

  • Learn hyperglycemia algorithm.

  • Learn convulsive disorder algorithm.

  • Learn technical requirements for emergency management.

  • Learn proper documentation, incident reporting and records keeping as required by the State Board.


Fequently Asked Questions

Q. Would I get an American Heart Association card?

A. Yes. 


Q. Does this program give dental CE credits, and if so, how many?

A. Yes, the ACLS program carries 16 CE credits.


Q. Does my BLS card have to be current to take this course?

A. Yes. Current Basic Life Support certiciation is a pre-requiste for this advanced (ACLS) course.

          Thank you for your ACLS course.  I have taken ACLS for almost twenty consecutive years,

          and I've never been able to grasp a working, practical understanding of how to interpret ECG 

          rhythms - that is until completing your course.  Terry presented the material in such a way as

          to allow me to actually read the patterns and count the time interval between beats to effectively

          name the rhythm I was looking at.  Prior to Terry's course, the best I could do was look at the

          graph and guess if it qualitatively resembled the rhythms I had memorized.

          I now feel confident that I can effective apply the ECG readings to be more concise in my case

          selection and in performing my sedations.  I can truly say that I look forward to my next ACLS

          renewal date.

          Stanley L. Allen, DDS


          I wanted to share my thoughts and impressions regarding your ACLS course taught by

         Mr. Terry Wadsley on November 11-12, 2017.  Much to my relief this course material was

         presented in a non-intimidating, organized, straightforward fashion.  Mr. Wadsley provided

         a wealth of knowledge along with 30+ years of experience using the ACLS skills in the real

         application of his job.  A student taking this class will learn to appreciate the practical use

         of ACLS in his or her dental office.  It is this hands-on type knowledge that left me with a 

         feeling that I received a valuable amount of information.  I have also heard Mr. Wadsley 

         speak on another subject related to IV sedation and again he is outstanding. 

         Jerry Nazziola, DDS, MS





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